Personal trainers at Bedford Gym
Personal Trainers
Amy Jupp
Bespoke planMuscle tone and developmentBody confidenceStrength and conditioningNutritional guidanceCharlie Bishop
Bespoke planBoxingWeight lossStrength and conditioningSport specific trainingMuscle tone and developmentConnell Willis
Bespoke planPersistent motivationWeight lossStrength and conditioningBody fat reductionBody confidenceLuke Richardson
Bespoke planWeight lossStrength and conditioningNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentBody fat reductionMike James
Bespoke planWeight lossStrength and conditioningNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentBody fat reductionRobert Ignat
Muscle tone and developmentBody confidenceInjury prevention and rehabilitation