Personal trainers at Altrincham Gym
Personal Trainers
Andrea Mellor
Body confidenceBody fat reductionMuscle tone and developmentWeight lossStrength and conditioningCallum Wardle
Bespoke planWeight lossStrength and conditioningSport specific trainingNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentCharlotte Kean
Weight lossSport specific trainingNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentBody fat reductionBody confidenceConor O'brien
Strength and conditioningNutritional guidanceWeight lossBody fat reductionDeclan McCarthy
Bespoke planBoxingMuscle tone and developmentBody fat reductionBody confidenceDolla Hylton
Persistent motivationWeight lossStrength and conditioningSport specific trainingMuscle tone and developmentBody fat reductionMatthew Smith
Bespoke planBody fat reductionStrength and conditioningMuscle tone and developmentSport specific trainingNik Mirkhadivi
Postural correctionPersistent motivationBoxingWeight lossStrength and conditioningSport specific trainingRob Head
Strength and conditioningNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentSophie Rushmere
Persistent motivationWeight lossBody confidence