Why you shouldn't weigh yourself every day

Losing weight is definitely one of the most popular New Year goals. For many people, January is a great time to get into the right mind-set and shake off those excess pounds.
A new year brings with it motivation and determination, which is exactly what you need to lose weight. If you stay focused, you’ll soon notice results.
Monitor your Progress
Getting weighed regularly is the best way to monitor your progress. Seeing the number on the scales reducing can boost your confidence, self-esteem and help keep you motivated. The danger is if you become a slave to the scales. Don’t be tempted to hop onto the scales every day. If you do, there’s a chance you’ll become fixated by your weight, or anxious at what the scales will say. You could be disappointed, lose confidence and even give in.
Weight can Vary
The main thing to remember is that weight fluctuates. This is completely normal. There are lots of factors that affect how much you weigh on a particular day, including; the previous day’s food intake, the previous day’s sodium intake, your stress levels, hormonal changes, sleeping habits, and anxiety of stepping on the scales. As an example, if you increase your sodium intake, your body will hold onto water to maintain the balance of sodium to water. Over a few days, your body will gradually lose the water, but in the meantime it can cause your weight to fluctuate. To keep your sodium levels to a minimum, avoid processed foods.
Carbohydrates also hold water. In fact, for every gram of carbohydrate, your body needs three grams of water. The extra weight gain comes from fluid retention. Hormonal changes can cause a gain in weight, with some women noticing up to four pounds premenstrual. Certain medications can cause fluid retention, as can certain medical conditions, such as heart, liver or kidney disease. If you’re dehydrated you may get a false lower reading on the scale. This is only temporary and your weight will return to normal when you’ve taken fluids.
Keep Momentum
Make sure you keep up the momentum by keeping your weight scales at a distance. Accept that fluctuations in weight will happen every day. If you stay positive, then that’s half the battle. It’s all about maintaining that mental strength and motivation.
When it comes to weight loss, there will be ups and downs, good days and not so good days. Don’t let the scales dictate your mood. If the reading is high, there are many reasons. Rather than losing your confidence and feeling that it’s all going wrong, think positive and accept that weight does fluctuate. If you’re sticking to your health and fitness regime, you are doing everything you need to do to lose weight. The excess pounds will come off.
When to Weigh
Weighing yourself once every three to four days can be the most effective way to stay motivated. When you do step onto the scales, there are certain things you can do to make things consistent. Try to get weighed in the morning, before you’ve had anything to eat or drink. Make sure you’ve used the toilet. Keep the scales on a level surface. Wear the same clothes, or don’t wear anything.
Remember that everyone responds differently to losing weight, and it can take time for the weight to come off. Don’t let the scales slow you down. The main thing is to keep focused, stay motivated and celebrate success. That way, there’s more chance of achieving your 2016 weight loss goals.