Full body weight plate workout

If you're short on time, have limited access to kit, or if the gym is busy, then try this efficient full body workout using just weighted plates.
Grab 2 plates of the same weight and let's get into the workout!
Make sure to warm up properly before you start this workout. Focus on quality for every rep you perform to get the most out of your workout.
Kay PureGym
PureGym Insider Kay recommends starting with two 5kg plates for beginners which can be found in the fitness studio in every PureGym.
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, back to back. Then repeat 4 times.
1️⃣ Overhead high knees
Muscles worked: Full body
Tip: Make sure to keep you chest up and core tight while performing this move.
2️⃣ Kneeling hip thrust with overhead plate press
Main muscles worked: Glutes, hamstrings and shoulders.
Tip: As you thrust your hips up, make sure to squeeze your glutes.
3️⃣ Plate rows
Main muscles worked: Back, shoulders and biceps.
Tip: Keep a nice straight back and look straight forward.
4️⃣ Double plate swings
Muscles worked: Full body
Tip: Make sure to hinge at the hips and use your hips to drive the plate swings up.
Follow @kaypuregym for fitness motivation and healthy lifestyle tips.
If you're unsure how to perform any of the moves, don't be afraid to ask help from a personal trainer in our gyms. They'd be more than happy to help you!
For more workout ideas check out our free workouts guide.