"The gym is where I can push myself but at the same time relax. Most of all, it’s a place where I can feel my best." - Tadeas

Hi. I’m Tadeas and I’m 21 years old. I joined PureGym straight after I moved to England in October 2016 for University to study Marketing. I chose PureGym because the gym is open 24/7, it’s spacious and for their high-quality kit, and their membership is affordable (especially as a student this is important!).
I started going to the gym at 16 back in Slovakia to get stronger and to build muscle. I only put my attention to my training and didn’t think much to my diet so I didn’t reach the goals I was aiming for. So when I joined PureGym, I was really motivated to get to work and actually achieve my goals. At this time I was watching a lot of Fitness vloggers and I wanted to be like them, so last summer I had my first serious attempt to get shredded. I tried different dieting approaches but ended up eating more unhealthy foods because my body was craving it. I ended up eating more calories than my body needed. I then went on a muscle-building (bulking) phase after that and had learnt more about nutrition through making mistakes, which allowed me to eat healthier and fuel my body in a way that was aligned to my goals.
It was very much a process of trial and error to see what worked and didn’t work for my body. Don’t get worked up if you don’t get things right in the first instance, as you’ll find what works for someone may not work for another so you will need to take time to learn what works for you.
I currently train 5 times a week and am doing the following training split: chest and triceps, back and biceps, legs and shoulders. I’m mainly focusing on my upper body as I’m happy with how the way my legs are.
My top tips to someone looking to build their upper body would be to:
- Focus on mind-muscle connection. If I want to improve my chest I will hit the chest twice a week and I will make every single rep count in my workout.
- I found that for me, the best combination to building a strong upper body is doing both strength and hypertrophy training. I love to lift heavy but at the same time I love the pump.
- Consistency is key. Don’t give up, even when it’s hard. Keep going and you will eventually see results.
- Tailor your workout to you. Learn what works the best for you, be focused and don’t forget your end goal.
I don’t have PT sessions mainly because I could not afford it, so I’ve learnt through my own research and by trial and error. Anytime I’m not sure of something I ask a PT in PureGym and find they’re always happy to help.
My favourite food at the moment is a bowl of protein porridge. It gives me energy and helps get my protein intake in. I also like to eat chicken or beef with rice and potatoes. I don’t really like vegetables but I’m trying to eat more.
Working out in the gym makes me happy and has made me more disciplined. It’s where I can push myself but at the same time relax.
And most of all, it’s a place where I can feel my best. On top of university, I’m balancing 9-hour shifts in a busy environment so it’s a good place for me to destress.
I’m most proud of changing my diet and achieving my last transformation, where I lost more than 10kg. During the process, I was thinking if I should enter myself in a fitness competition. When I finally decided to take this opportunity, I had to be more disciplined with my diet and I did not eat any junk food. It felt great stepping on the stage after having been on a strict diet whilst balancing this with university. Whilst I understand fitness competitions may not be everyone’s cup of tea, to me it was a testament to the hard work I put in and I wanted to show others that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Fitness contestants must put themselves on extreme diets and training regimes to get their physique so bear in mind that it is neither sustainable or healthy in the long run.
My next goal is to further my knowledge about nutrition and exercising and to help other people. There is plenty of people that need help. I know not everyone goes to the gym but I think everyone should be able to live healthy and balanced life. I also want to continue competing in fitness compeitions. I’d like to enter another competition next year and bring an even better physique.
If you don’t like working out, don’t be afraid to try something new or different, whether that’s a type of workout or exercise, because you never know it might turn out to be something you like.
I’d say building a habit is a key to staying on the track. When I’m lacking in motivation, I remind myself of my goal and why I am doing it. Try to enjoy the process – the more you have fun, the more you’re going to stick with it. Also, be surrounded by people that will support you.
Folllow Tadeas' fitness journey @tedyy_25
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