Summer Sessions at PureGym: Kettlebell swing challenge

Often described as a cannonball with a handle, kettlebells have been helping people improve their cardio, strength and flexibility since the early 1700s. Easy and effective to use, the cast-iron or cast steel weights are fantastic for providing a total body workout utilising the interval training method.
The kettlebell swing is a great way to strengthen your core, shoulders, quads, hamstrings, glutes and back, plus the interval repetition boosts your metabolism making it a great fat burner too. In fact, a study by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) found that you can burn 400 calories in just 20 minutes – the same benefits you’d get from uphill cross country skiing!
It's no wonder that many fitness gurus believe kettlebell swings are all you need for dramatic results. Which is exactly why we've chosen it for this challenge!
What is the Kettlebell Swing Challenge?
If you're new to kettlebells, start with a lighter weight and adjust accordingly until you get into the ‘swing’ of things. Feel free to ask a member of the team for advice at any time.
Before you start the challenge, a good exercise to get your hips warmed up is to perform the kettlebell swing (see below for a step-by-step guide) but without the kettlebell.
Beginners |
100 reps |
No rest |
Intermediate |
200 reps |
No rest |
Advanced |
300 reps |
No rest |
Once you’ve completed the challenge cool down and stretch with a low intensity three-minute walk on the treadmill, followed by some static stretching.
How to perform a kettlebell swing
Ben Winn, PT at Pure Gym Leeds City Centre South.
1) With your feet shoulder-width apart and back straight, lower into a half-squat and pick up the kettlebell with both hands using an overhand grip.
2) Straighten your legs pushing from the heels and explode through the hips, keeping your core tight, as you swing the kettlebell to chest height.
3) Return to the half-squat position as you swing the kettlebell down between your legs. That's one rep.
Performed correctly, the kettlebell swing will work wonders for your hamstrings, hips, glutes, abs, lats and shoulders.
Send us a challenge selfie
We’ve joined forces with New Look to give away two £250 vouchers every two weeks this summer. For your chance to win, send us a selfie of you taking the Kettlebell Swing Challenge and include the hashtag #PureGymSummerSessions
Who knows, your swinging and selfie could earn you a New Look wardrobe!
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