PureGym challenges are back!

This April we’re challenging you with the squat; a fantastic compound movement that will help tone the lower body and burn calories.
Starting April 1st to April 30th 2017, all members can participate in our 60-second squat challenge for a chance to win one month’s FREE membership. A member from each club who completes the most number of reps in 60 seconds will be selected as a winner.
The goal of this challenge is simple. All you have to do is perform as many squats in 60 seconds!
So what are you waiting for? Get involved!
Muscles worked
- thighs
- calves
- lower back
- abs
How to perform a squat
1. Stand straight with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Hands beside your side.
2. Looking straight ahead, take a breath in and engage your core.
3. Unlock your hips and bend your knees to initiate the movement. As you sink your hips down towards the floor, start to move both arms in front of you until they are parallel to the ground. Tip: Try to keep the weight on your heels to avoid leaning forwards.
4. Keep looking straight. Lower your body till your knee reaches around 90 angle. Make sure to keep your chest proud and back straight. Tip: Perform a deep squat your body
will allow.
5. Straighten your legs and move hands beside your side to return to starting position, and then exhale
6. Repeat many reps required.
How do I take part in the challenge?
- Let a member of staff know that you want to partake in the challenge.
- He/she will help time the clock and count number of valid reps achieved in 60 seconds.
- Your name and time will be recorded on the gym’s Squats Your Best Score? score board.
- After the competition closes on April 30th, we will get in touch with the winners via email.
Give your fitness a boost for the summer and join in the fun with the chance to WIN one month’s FREE membership!
Good luck!
Terms and conditions apply: There’s only one winner per gym, for full details see www.puregym.com/membership-terms-conditions/
Model: PureGym PT Reanne Francis