"Getting in a good workout sets you up for a productive day" - Matt

Hi, I'm Matt and I'm a University student at Manchester Met. I have been training at PureGym for 2 and a half years now after trying many other gyms. I chose PureGym as in my eyes it’s the best value for money gym around, in addition to the 24 hour access it suited nicely around university and work. I often work late nights in my local pub, and like to get a session in after whilst the gym is quiet!
I’ve always had a passion for fitness, especially running which began during high school; understanding the benefits of exercise to mental and physical health I began weight training and fell in love! Seeing results only encourages my enthusiasm and drive to train.
What does your training regime look like and how to do plan your workouts?
A typical week in the gym for me would usually consist of a push, pull, legs split with an additional strength and conditioning or full body session where I focus on my weakest points that I actively am trying to improve! For me, shoulder width and legs are my main targets for improvement!
My first fitness plans and advice came from online forums such as bodybuilding.com! I remember my first plan titled something to the effect of ‘eating for mass’ detailing what I could and couldn’t eat, which I religiously followed and saw great results! For technique advice I looked to YouTube fitness influencers such as Athlene X, Jeff Nippard and TMcycles! These gave a great balance between lifestyle and fitness.
Playing Rugby league for Manchester Met uni, I try to incorporate exercises that are performance related. As a back in rugby league, speed is just as important as power. So plyometric exercises such as weighted box jumps and barbell squat jumps are ideal to build that all important speed to power ratio! On the topic of cardio, I leave that down to my coach and we are often put through our paces on a rainy Monday night.
What would you say has been the biggest factor in your success?
Preparation is the key to effectively balance a productive day. Packing your gym bag, food and general daily prep the night before is definitely the best way to motivate yourself. Having everything together and ready in a morning and following the ‘get up and go’ approach takes the thought out of it and it then becomes routine! Everyone struggles staying 100% on track and motivated, that’s normal! I often train with my good friend josh, a training partner is a big factor in motivation, giving that extra little push to get to the gym when you’re not quite feeling up to it and trying to get that little bit more out of you. Plus it’s always good to have a laugh and catch up whilst you’re training.
This balanced approach encompasses my attitude to diet in addition to training. The IIFYM approach to diet (If it fits your macros) helps me lead a balanced lifestyle. I used to constantly worry about what i can and cannot eat, but admittedly that can turn the whole process into a chore. Eating intuitively and possessing a basic understanding of calorie content in different foods in addition to your ideal caloric intake for your fitness goals (Fat loss, maintenance or muscle growth) helps to create a healthy balance and in turn lifestyle.
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