Celebrating Pride with our members!

Our lead class instructors had the crowd buzzing with their fun workouts on the main stage to get everyone warmed up and ready to have a great time. We even had our members join us on our brightly coloured parade floats which was great to be able to do together as a community. With tens of thousands of supporters celebrating the LGBTQ+ community, the atmosphere was incredible! We think we’ve captured this in the amazing snapshots below. See if you can spot yourself or some familiar faces!
PureGym at Leeds and Manchester Pride
What did our members and team enjoy most?
“I helped out on the float at Manchester Pride. We all had a great time getting the crowd cheering and clapping. I also thought it was fantastic how the PT's interacted with the crowd and made sure they were having fun. It was an amazing day start to finish!" - Sharon, Member at PureGym Manchester Market Street
"The atmosphere was INCREDIBLE. It was great to see everyone having a good time whilst supporting the LGBT+ community and having our members on board our floats to bring us together as a community." - Josh Messara, Assistant Gym Manager Leeds City Centre North and PureGym Insider
"Being able to celebrate my sexuality through the very company I work with is an amazing feeling. It felt fantastic taking part in the float and interacting with the crowd! They loved the energy we brought to the float and we all bounced off of one other to make sure we all had a good time! I can honestly say that we all expressed pure passion and pride that day." - Reanne Francis, Personal Trainer at PureGym Leeds City Centre South
Thanks to everyone who said hello and came to support Pride!
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Twitter: @PureGym